WCCM Returns to Surigo City, Philippines

World Class Cities Ministries and Harvest Hands Ministries is conducting a Life-giving Leadership Conference, crusade, and church planting in Surigao City in the Philippines on January 20-28, 2014. The ministry will consist of:

Life-giving Leadership Sessions

These sessions will equip the ministry leaders to be  more effective in their ministry efforts throughout the Island. Workbooks will be provided for the delegates as they are encouraged to share the teachings with at least 100 other believers.  It is estimated that 500 leaders will attend the sessions, which will give an opportunity for 50,000 to receive the spiritual insights from the Biblically based teachings.

Ladies Ministry Sessions

The women’s leaders will attend sessions that are specifically designed to equip them, as women of God, to more effectively touch the lives of other women.

Evangelism Explosion Sessions

These sessions will train ministry in the Biblical mandate of how to share the love of God with others.

Children’s Ministry Sessions

These sessions are specially planned for the Children’s Ministry Leaders.  A special children’s service will commence prior to the evangelistic service each evening.

Evangelistic Services

A new church facility has been constructed in Surigao City and the evening meetings will be conducted to introduce the church plant. In addition, the ministry will share the Gospel of hope and freedom to the attendees.

Humanitarian/Medical Ministry

The team will provide food for the delegates. The mission will include trianing in personal health and first aid instruction.



World Class Cities Ministry President, Rev. Dr. G. W. “Bill” Wilson extends to you an invitation, as the Holy Spirit may prompt you, to join in a future mission.  You will have an opportunity to “IMPACT” the world for Him.

Ministry areas include:

  1. Teaching Ministry
  2. Preaching Ministry
  3. Women’s Ministry
  4. Children’s and Youth Ministry
  5. Music Ministry
  6. Photography Ministry
  7. Altar Worker Ministry
  8. Intercessory Prayer Ministry
  9. Hands-on Ministry
  10. Medical Ministry
  11. Evangelism Ministry
  12. Ministry of Helps

Additional upcoming mission opportunities include:


South Africa
Sierra Leona

The nation of India with 56 States and 1.2 Billion people
Myanmar (Burma)
Viet Nam
Hong Kong
Thailand and many more in the months ahead.

To inquire about being a part of a mission, please contact WCCM for additional information.

Rev. Dr. G . W, “Bill” Wilson
World Class Cities Ministries
World Mission Department
P. O. Box 92454
Lakeland, Florida 33804

Phone: 443-629-3100

Please be prepared to share your talent and interest with your inquiry.

We are laborers together in the End Time Harvest.

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