Results from Cotonou, Benin, West Africa Mission

New doors have opened in Benin, West Africa to network with like minded ministries by equipping and sharing spiritual insights of God’s Word as WCCM continues to network to expand the Kingdom of God. During revival services, attendees were healed from sickness that had long been incurable and their lives were changed. The WCCM Team shared with eager pastors, evangelists and lay leaders its plans to return and conduct a Benin Life-Giving Leaders Conference/Crusade from October 29 – November 1, 2008, in Cotonou, which some estimates indicate its population may be as many as 1.2 million residence (Wikipedia data).

Pastor John Akanu was healed from chronic back pain. He was standing by himself while others were being prayed for and realized no one had touched him, but his pain was all gone.

A young man in his early 20s gave testimony of having had a kidney illness that had plagued him since high school. A number of doctors told him they could not help him. He could not urinate and doctors had to give him medicine to help with his illness, which was not curring his malfunctions. After prayer, he noticed he had soiled himself, which meant his urinary track had been healed and he was not in pain any more and he was functioning normally again.

There were many others who proclaimed they were healed, however, time was too short to receive all the testimonies.

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