Ghana Mission 2007

Hohoe, Ghana, West Africa – Bishop Adulai, coordinator of the Ghana Life-giving Leaders Conference/Crusade stated,

I can sense there is an atmosphere of expectancy and I will never forget that the Lord has brought Dr. G. W. “Bill” Wilson, President of World Class Cities Ministries together for His glory. He further commented, “The World Class Cities Ministries Team was a tremendous blessing to all the pastors and deacons. Most of them have never been exposed to any formal training.

It is very difficult for the Orthodox and the Pentecostal ministries to come together, however, during the Life-giving Leaders Conference/Crusade there was a spirit of unity and understanding. The presence of God was so evident that the delegates sat for hours forgetting about their meal time.

Despite frequent crusades in Hohoe and some with very high profile; the WCCM Life-giving Leaders DeliveranceConference/Crusade received a lot of publicity and many came to the ministry gathering.

The message of salvation through our Lord Jesus came alive by the anointing of the Holy Spirit. The Lord confirmed His Word with tangible and notable healing. Many received deliverance from curses and various forms of bondage.  Hundreds surrendered their lives to Christ, while hundreds rededicated their lives and purposed to live a more committed life.

The Life-giving Leadership Conference touched the lives of the attendees as the teachings were explicit and relevant to the challenges that the leadership of the church is facing today.

On Sunday, the World Class Cities Ministries Team Members ministered in local churches throughout the area. The churches had the privilege of receiving well balance ministrations from the brethren.

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