Widows Food For Life Project

WCCM partners are giving a gift to western Kenyan widows and their families that says they Care enough to share. These one time $160.00 gifts are meeting hunger needs and the crises they face. It is changing their future. They are beginning a new life, knowing that God has used caring people to supply for their desparate situation and now a bright future is upon the horizon.

It was the summer of 1990, and Mildred Bwire Auma faced a deadly scenario. Her husband had just succumbed to AIDS. She knew he had infected her. Now her in-laws clamored for her to allow one of her husband’s brothers to make her his responsibility, as tradition has long dictated.

Auma, then 28, could scorn tradition, be driven from her community and face starvation with her three children. Or she could marry a brother-in-law, feed her offspring, protect her property — and pass on the virus. She chose the brother-in-law. He died of AIDS two years later, but not before infecting two other women. Then they both died.

Another man has since inherited Auma, and when she was recently interviewed, she was nine months pregnant with his child. She says she knows the child may have the human immunodeficiency virus (HIV), which causes AIDS. And she knows that the disease will likely kill her inheritor. Just as it will soon kill her. “Because of the customs . . . I had to be inherited,” Auma says through a translator. “They would have forced me. I would have been alone, homeless.”

WCCM has partnered with the mayor and a tribal Chief in Bungoma, Kenya to bring about a change in the lives of those who are forced to live alone with no one to care for their needs. Those who are taking a moral stand and have chosen despair, being alone and not accepting the unacceptable standard need our help through the Widows Food For Life Ministry.

How can we partner in ministering to the widows/families which will give them the chance to feed themselves the rest of their lives?

The Widows Food For Life Ministry – Kenya will provide corn seed and fertilizer to be planted on two (2) acres. The first acre will feed the widows/families for an entire year. The second acre will provide additional corn to be sold at the market which will supply the needed funding to purchase the seed for the next crop. This ministry will give the opportunity for the widows/families to be self-sufficient and gain self-worth. In addition to supplying for life’s essentials, the widows/families will invest 10% from the selling of their corn to the Widows Food For Life Ministry Fund so future widows/families will also be enabled to care for themselves. WCCM will monitor the Widows Food For Life Ministry / Kenya to assure all the widows/families are assisted.

The opportunity to investment in ministry that will last a lifetime.

  1. Invest in one Widows/Families Life – $160.00 (One time gift)
  2. Invest in one Widows/Families Life – $ 80.00 (WCCM will combined with another matching partners gift)
  3. Invest in one Widows/Families Life – $ 16.00 per month for 10 months
  4. Invest in one Widows/Families Life – Any amount

There are 189 widows/families in Bungoma, Kenya that need our caring hands to make their dream come true. WCCM has helped twelve (12) widows/families and the remaining 178 long for WCCM’s partners to provide comfort in the near future.

WCCM would like to express its deep appreciation for your demonstration of Christ-likeness by ‘Caring Enough To Share’. Your partnership is so vital to reaching out and putting our arms around the less fortunate. Thanks for standing in the gap when it counts the most.!

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